The electro-magnetic "voice coil" actuated dispenser incorporates
the "collapsing wall" dispensation technique, which can be an inexpensive method
for controlling dispensations ranging from nl to
with sufficient accuracy.
Resilient small ID tubing is filled with reagent through capillary
action (See "Micro-Fluidics" section). The tubing is placed between opposing poles of a
magnet. An elongated, flexible, coil carrying
current is positioned with one segment attached along the tubing. A pulse of
current through the coil exerts force perpendicular both to the magnetic field
and current, thereby "squeezing" or collapsing the tubing. Liquid in the tubing
is forced out with a force proportional to the applied current. Control over the
current pulse (amperage and timing) enables control over dispensation. The
memory resilience of the tubing and capillary action restore the tubing to its
original shape and thus refills the tubing. A current pulse of the opposite
polarity can also enhance the restoration of the tubing shape after collapse.
Soft, resilient tubing made from various materials such as TeflonTM,
silicone, rubber, ChemrezTM, or CalrezTM can be used
depending on application.
tubing collapse, liquid flows in both directions – outside and back towards the
reservoir. The flow back towards the reservoir is impeded by the mass and
resistance of the interconnecting tubing and can be reduced further by
installing a dynamic check valve. The dynamic check valve is a small tapered
orifice, which widens in the direction of the desired liquid motion. Due to the
fluid dynamics of such a configuration, the fast moving liquid has a much higher
resistance going into the taper than out of the taper, unidirectional flow is
thus achieved.
Another technique of creating unidirectional flow is to make use
of the high dynamic resistance of an open cell sponge. Properly located inside
the tubing, the sponge has low static resistance to the "normal" flow of liquid
and do not impede refilling of the tube. On the other hand, during fast liquid
motion, the dynamic resistance of these sponges is very high due to internal
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